Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What a week... and it's only Wednesday!

This has just been one of those weeks. First off, my car (you know, the one I JUST got back from the mechanics Saturday?) on Monday starting doing the exact same thing that caused me to take it into the shop in the first place. The thing I just paid $350 to fix... except it wasn't fixed. So today I had to take it back to the mechanics, where it will remain for who knows how long. Luckily my dad has a spare car that he's letting me borrow until mine is fixed.

But that's not all! Sunday, while I was working on my homework, I heard the most peculiar noise coming from the laundry room. So I went in, and found... nothing. Went back to my homework, and heard that weird scratchy sound again. And then I figured it out. SOMETHING had crawled or fell or flew into the dryer vent. Now, apparently the dryer vent is on the roof (believe me, I searched all over before I noticed it up there), and a bird (we think) was scoping it out for a nest, fell in, and then scrambled for several hours trying to get out... which is that scratchy noise I heard. At least, we think it got out; in any case, the noise stopped and I haven't smelled anything decomposing yet, so here's to keeping your fingers crossed. But now I'm all paranoid things will be crawling around in my walls or building nests where they shouldn't, and it's yucky to think about.

And then there was today. Today, I noticed my little darling students not exactly doing their work as they were supposed to. Since the whole point of them being in the alternative program is to graduate, I tend to get annoyed when they aren't doing what they're supposed to. Especially condsidering they only attend school 3 hours a day and they only have 6 weeks left of school. So during my lunch break, I checked out what they'd been up to. As it turns out, several students had found remote proxy websites that allowed them to get past the firewall and view myspace and youtube. So I spent most of the afternoon updating the firewall against those new proxies... not much fun.

Hopefully the rest of the week will go by much smoother!


Missy!! said...

ahha.. you poor thing!! :) I completely understand the vehicle situation, before I got my newer car, my gp was in the shop every other week it seemed!! :) As far as the random animal.. I am very surprised your vent is in your roof! I've never heard of that! Can you get a screen or anything of the sort to cover it so you don't have any other "guests" in your home?

Rajean B. said...

Sounds like a very interesting week thus far. I wonder what else can occur that will be out of the usual routine? Hopefully, they figure out what is wrong with your car, and that you don't have to pay any more for the work. Best of luck with everything!