Sunday, April 20, 2008


Okay, so remember like a week ago I heard some THING scrambling in my dryer vent? Well, I thought it was the wall at first, but then figured out it was actually the dryer vent. Yesterday I put a load of clothes into the dryer, and when it buzzed I went to take the clothes out... and they were still wet. Not damp, but every bit as wet as they were when I put them in. I knew it was tossing the clothes around, and I knew it was getting hot because steam came out when I opened the door. So I knew something had to be clogging the vent... and I dreaded finding out what that something was. So I got the shop vac and hoped that it was just a clog of lint. As you can guess from the title... it wasn't just lint clogging the vent. It was a medium sized dead bird. The shop managed to move it enough so that I could pull it out... don't worry, I was wearing gloves. And screeching like a little girl the whole time. It was so so so GROSS! But at least my dryer is working right again and it didn't cost me anything! Now all I have to do is make Chris climb up onto the roof and fix the screen around the vent when it's not raining so nothing else gets in there. Because I DO NOT want to have to dispose of any more little unintelligent animals that think the vent looks like a nice place to live and end up croaking instead!


kristen said...

That dead bird would have freaked me out too, but you are much more brave than I would have been. I definitely would have had to get someone else to get rid of it. Even with gloves I don't think I could have touched it! On the bright side, you know it's gone now!

Missy!! said...

Eww!! I bet that was nice and smelly!! :)

Rajean B. said...

Way to go Melissa! I'm with Kristen, I don't know if I could have pulled it out. Although, I probably would have been forced to because Doug would take forever getting around to pulling it out!

Happy Laundry!