Friday, April 18, 2008

The earth's a shakin...

This morning I woke to the awful sound of all my windows rattling as if a tornado was approaching, which was promptly followed by the sensation of the bed shaking. We turned on the news and learned that an EARTHQUAKE hit Indiana! And then around 11:20, an aftershock hit! I've got to admit it was one of the strangest things I've ever felt. I suppose it's really neat since no one was hurt and nothing was damaged. I talked to Heidi in Evansville, which is much closer to the epicenter of the quake, and she said moments before it hit her dog started freaking out! Apparently animals can sense things like that before people. Regardless, it was a weird experience and at least now I can say I've lived through one!

1 comment:

Rajean B. said...

This earthquake is the biggest news to hit the country it seems. Neither Doug nor I felt it this morning, but I have talked to a few people that did (one being my dad). I'm like you ~ glad no one was hurt.