Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Okay, I love teaching, but sometimes I cannot believe the things that come out of my students mouths! For example, today I had a student working on biology, more specifically the reproductive systems. This is normally a fairly bright 17 year old student that wants to go into nursing, keep in mind. She couldn't understand why she had scored so poorly on the material, so we sat down together to look at it... and I quickly noticed that she had completely switched the "boy" parts and "girl" parts! Not just a few of the terms, either... every single part! And yesterday, a different student (who is 18) argued with me that 3 milileters of liquid is BIGGER than 1 ton. Double wow! God knows I love them and want them to be successful, but what do you even say to comments like that? It's probably cute when it's little elementary age kids saying silly things, but when you're talking about 17 to 20 year olds... it's kind of sad.

Enough of my venting and on to other things.... my weekend was fairly boring and consisted of taking care of Chris (who is feeling better) and doing homework for my masters class. One of Chris's buddies from high school, Chad, stopped by Sunday so they could both lament that the weather isn't yet golf-able. Chris and Chad, and a few of their other friends from high school, play golf together a couple of days a week during the summer. Chad's a doctor, so it's always a little funny to me that he plays so much golf! Other than the professional development meetings I have all of Thursday afternoon, there isn't much exciting going on this week... which I guess isn't really a bad thing!


kristen said...

That is crazy! Please let me know which hospital that girl gets a job in...I'll be sure to stay clear! It's funny when my little kids say funny things like that, but I agree with you, I don't know what I'd say if they were 18!

Rajean B. said...

Don't you just want to laugh out loud and say, "Are you serious?"

Anywho...I'm glad Chris is feeling better and is getting excited about golfing weather. Hopefully, he'll get to hit the greens soon.

Melissa Lakes said...

I try not to laugh... but sometimes I can't help it! I mean, c'mon... a girl currently working on her CNA through voca thinking that boys have ovaries? That's hilarious!