Thursday, February 21, 2008

2 hour delays

Since this is February in Indiana, it's not surprising that we've been having fairly regular bouts of yucky weather. In the last few weeks, most of the schools in Shelby county have had two hour delays due to the road conditions. Notice, I said most of the schools; good old Shelbyville Central hasn't called a single delay. So while my sweet hubby is sleeping in, I still have to get up and drive to work on icy roads (because despite the city's efforts, when I'm on those roads in the morning it's still very slick). And believe me, I've grumbled about it. A lot. Especially when I had not one but two students call in to tell me they couldn't make it to class because they had wrecked their cars on the way to class (at least nothing was serious). After all, two hour delays are like manna from heaven for a teacher. Less time required to work, less time to deal with those kids that drive you nuts, and you don't have to make up a single hour of it! Needless to say, I'm really hoping for a two hour delay tomorrow. It's snowing pretty hard now; already there's a couple of inches on the ground. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky!


kristen said...

I hope you get it! Maybe they'll call it tonight. Those are the best! When you can really sleep in and aren't anticipating a call at 6 A.M.

Missy!! said...

Get this.. the state of Illinois does not RECOGNIZE two hour delays.. therefore.. they don't happen! Either you go on time.. or you don't go at all!! And they don't dismiss early either.. stinky I know!

PS... I'm going to start my word verification harassing now! (Hey, it worked on the blogs and KP's comment section) I fail these EVERY SINGLE TIME! Ugh!

Rajean B. said...

A couple inches of snow? That's nothing...we got 14 inches in one day! That never melted, then we got 6 inches. That never melted and then, we got a few more inches...and then the wind blew it everywhere!!! We have a drift on our road that is almost 10 feet joke.

Anyway, best of luck with the delay!