Saturday, January 3, 2009

For your viewing pleasure...

So, understandably, I kind of have babies on the brain right now. It doesn't help that about 7 of the ladies that teach at Shelbyville are either currently pregnant or have had children in the past school year, and it certainly doesn't help that our friends and neighbors the Marshall's are also expecting in March. Plus I get the daily "How are you feeling" call from at least one family member, which brings babies right back to the forefront on my mind. I'm kind of thinking about babies obsessively right now. And as I'm sure is normal, I wonder which features my child will inherit from me and which will be inherited from Chris... I almost said which HE will inherit from Chris, but just this morning Chris scolded me for referring to the baby as a he, since we don't know yet. All this rambling leads me to my current train of thought.... it's probable that our child will look like we did when we were little ones. So for your viewing pleasure, baby pictures of Chris and I.

Chris at 3 months

Me at around 3 months

Me at around 6 months (with my Uncle Mike)

Me at around 9 or 10 months with my Weaver grandparents (apparently around Easter, since there appears to be an Easter basket, egg, and bunny in the picture)

Chris at around 1 year
Here's the funny thing I noticed about these pictures. We both have GIANT heads. I mean, just look at those noggins!!! I'm going to tell myself that it's because we both have larger-than-normal brains, but.... it makes a girl a little nervous, let me tell ya!!!

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