Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Week Back...

Well, the first week back from break hasn't been as awful as I anticipated. The students haven't been too bad, and I've been busy in meetings all week to enroll new students. In fact, today I had 6 meetings practically back to back! It made for a long day. On top of everything, I decided to go ahead and tell people at work that we're expecting. Chris already told several people, and when one considers how fast news/gossip travels in this community..... I just decided it would be better if my administrators heard about the pregnancy from me as opposed to other parties. So today I let Tom know. I think he was actually glad that he'll have some time to get things arranged for my maternity leave.

On the plus side, my morning (all day) sickness has really improved this past week. I still have occassional bouts of nausea and gagging, but for the most part I feel a lot better. My appetite is starting to come back, and certain foods sound REALLY good all of the sudden. So I figure that all of that's a positive.

Chris and I have decided that we don't really want to think about names too much; at least not until we find out the gender in the next month or so. But we have been reading our big book of names to get some ideas. It's amazing how many truly hideous names are out there! I'm sure some people think certain names are beautiful, but sheesh! On the plus side, so far Chris and I are thinking along similar lines in terms of names. He's still pretty sure that it's a girl, and I still think it's a boy.... but neither of us really care. Have a great weekend!


Rajean B. said...

I am so glad the morning/all day sickness if going away. You will enjoy the pregnancy so much more when that is finished! In addition, it is great to hear that food is sounding good to you. Now you will be able to eat to your little heart's content!

Have a great weekend!

Missy!! said...

:) A baby! :) Okay, I'm done being dorky.. you do realize you have to post baby bulge pictures (as soon as you get a bulge). Have you told your kiddo's yet?

By the way.. your wrong.. it is SO a girl! :)