Sunday, April 26, 2009


I know I haven't been a very good blogger lately. Sorry! I promise I have good excuses!!!

Everything is going extremely well with the baby. He's very active, and recently he's gotten so large that you can randomly see a little foot or knee or hand sticking out on my belly as he's moving! We've picked out his name: Zachary Christopher Lakes. I really wanted to name him after Chris, but we were both concerned about him having to go by "Junior" or "Little Chris" his whole life, and Chris was worried he "wouldn't have his own identity". So we decided Christopher would be the perfect middle name! Zach was the first name we both really liked, and it was really the only boy name we'd ever thrown around. And.... okay, I know it's weird, but he just feels like a Zachary to us.

I see the doctor every two weeks now! That means I'm in the home stretch - or so they tell me! I know I need to put up some belly pictures, but we don't really have any recent ones. With baseball season in full swing, Chris isn't able to be home as much as he'd like, and I get tired pretty easily so we tend to forget stuff like that. Oh, and I had my test for gestational diabetes last week which came out negative. I was glad to get it over with, although the stuff they made me drink wasn't nearly as nasty as I had anticipated.

We've got Zach's room almost finished. It's cream and blue with teddy bears playing sports. Chris actually picked it all out - he's got impeccable taste! I couldn't have picked out anything cuter myself. I'll post pictures as soon as we get the border up and the crib assembled. I'll be so excited to have everything finished!

We've also got my baby shower scheduled - everyone should be getting their invitations soon. It was originally going to be on June 13, but as you'll find out when you continue reading, a good reason came up for moving it. So now it will be on May 30 at my house from 2-4. I'm excited for it - and registering at Babies R Us was fun (and a little overwhelming).

Our good friends Brian and Sarah are having another baby in late December! They just found out recently and are very excited. They already have a little girl, Brooklyn, that will be two in September. It's fun that so many people we know and are friends with are having kids - it's like Zach will be born with instant playmates!

And speaking of people having babies.... you'd all better be sitting down for this one.......

Heidi and Jeremy are having a baby! They just told everyone about a week ago. It wasn't planned, but they're healthy and happy and that's what matters. She's due October 29, which means that Zach will only be about 4 months older than his cousin. My mom's beside herself with excitement at the prospect of two grandbabies, and while my dad is still recovering from the shock, I think he's also happy. They've decided to move up their wedding for obvious reasons - so now they'll be getting married on June 20. Now, you're probably saying to yourself, that's only 2 months away! I know, I know.... it's crazy, but my mom and Jeremy's mom are working extremely hard on getting things together and organized. Of course, I'll be 8 months pregnant at the time of the wedding and not much help, but there's nothing to be done about that! Not many details are organized other than the date at this point, but I'll keep everyone informed....

So, you see? I've got some good reasons for not blogging lately - it's been pretty insane around here! I'll try harder from now on, I promise!


Missy!! said...

HOLY COW! You have been really busy lately! I like the little guy's name! Zach is a very lucky boy.. instant friends and cousins! How cool is that?! Can't wait to see some pictures of his room and your belly.. I can't imagine you with a belly! :)

Rajean B. said...

I agree with Missy...HOLY COW! I wasn't expecting the baby news from Heidi and Jeremy. But send them my congrats and best wishes. I'm excited to see belly pics and Zach's room. How's Chris' baseball season going? Good, I hope. Have a great week, and I'm looking forward to the next post!