Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Almost summer!

Sorry it's been so long since my last post... things have been a little crazy around the Lakes household lately. With school coming to a close and baseball season winding down, it's just really busy for Chris and I. Work is especially crazy for me right now, because I also teach summer school. So that means that for these last few weeks of school I not only have to do my regular teaching duties, I also have to preparation for my summer school class. Couple all that with my master's classes, and it's just a little overwhelming. Let's just say I'm really looking foward to June 20th, which is the last day of summer school and the first official day of my summer vacation. Chris is also really looking forward to the end of school, and especially the end of baseball season. He'll start tennis season with nonmandatory practices the first week of June, so it's not like he gets much of a break either, but tennis is less demanding than baseball. Okay, off to some homework. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Missy!! said...

You too?? Just rub it in that some of us are STILL UN=employed. Sheesh!! :)