Friday, December 31, 2010


I'm a terrible blogger. There. I said it. My last post was about Zach's birthday party, and here it is nearly half a year later. I could give a bunch of excuses about work and responsibilities and being tired after chasing after a 1 year old with boundless energy all the time, but those would just be excuses....

So, here I am with my New Year's resolutions.

1. Eat better. I know most people make this resolution in the context of losing weight, but I'm not focusing on that. I just want to do a better job of cooking healthy foods and making sure we're all eating as healthfully as possible. I hate the idea of eating fast food more than once a week or eating junk often. Right now we're not doing horrible, but we definitely have room for improvement...

2. Make time for things that I enjoy. This includes blogging. I feel like I get so caught up in responsibilities, like work, house stuff, taking care of Zach, etc. that sometimes I forget that once upon a time I was a reasonably well rounded person with interests and hobbies. More than anything, I guess my goal is to find some balance and find ways to not be stressed out all the time.
Lofty goals, huh?
I hope everyone has a wonderful start to the New Year!

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