Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Zoo

On July 9th my Dad turned 49. So when Heidi and I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he got very thoughtful and said that he'd like to go to the zoo with his grandbabies. So that's what we did! We even managed to go about a week before his birthday, when the high was about 75. It was a perfect day for it, the kids did way better than anticipated, and we all had fun! Kaylan really like the lemurs of all things; she thought they were hilarious! Zach was intrigued by a lot of the animals, but he was partial to the dolphins, tiger, and monkeys. But his favorite part was probably the petting area, where he got face to face with some goats and a giant Flemish rabbit that had to weigh 30 pounds. Now, my batteries in the camera died out about halfway through the trip, so I don't have pictures of everything. But Heidi does, and she should be posting them on Facebook in the near future, so be sure to check them out!

An iguana in the desert biome. Kaylan found it really interesting, Zach not so much.

Zach and I in the underwater viewing area for the dolphins (which is why the background appears to be black). He thought it was really cool when the dolphins swam overhead.

At the dolphin show. He did really good here and didn't get fussy at all. KayKay slept through most of it but did manage to see the end of the show.

This is Zach walking up to the doors for the dolphin show. We thought he might like to stretch his legs, and he just took off up the ramp. In fact, Chris had to run to catch him! He's a fast little man, especially when he's interested in something. And he just had to see where all those people were going!!!

Checking out the giraffes.

This is from when we first got to the zoo. They couldn't understand why we went to all the trouble of driving there and putting them in the double stroller only to stand around and take pictures for 5 minutes...

This is the bear exhibit. Zach was talking up a storm. I'm assuming he was asking questions, but since everything comes out "Da-Da, Ba-Ba, Ma-Ma" I have no idea... You can't see it in the picture, but Jeremy is holding Kaylan just out of frame. And she was responding to Zach's questions with her own "Da-Ba-Ma's". Or maybe she was asking questions and Zach was answering?

This is towards the end of the trip. Look how tired they are!

This is the best shot of the double stroller we rented. They had to sit side by side, and not a single fight ensued! I was proud of them both!!!


Rajean B. said...

Looks like you had a great day at the zoo! I'm sure your dad had the best birthday with his grandbabies.

Speaking of won't be long before lttle Zach will be celebrating the BIG 1!!! I can't wait to see those pictures.

Missy!! said...

How fun! :) I always loved the zoo. Did your daddy enjoy having both of his girls and grandkiddo's present?