Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lots going on...

It's just been crazy around here lately! To start off the update on a sad note, Chris's grandfather, GaGa, passed away 2 weeks ago. He was 87 years old. It was hard all around for everyone, but we're all doing okay now. Chris's grandmother is doing pretty well, so that makes all of us feel a little better.

Zach had another ear infection. That makes 3 (although one of those 3 times he had infection in both ears, so I guess it could really be 4 infections). He has his next well check on the 16th, so we'll start the talks about the possibility of tubes then. I guess the general rule of thumb is 6 in a year. So we'll see how that plays out. I hate the thought of him having to have any sort of surgery, but the poor kid has pretty much had one ear or the other infected constantly for the past 3 months.

Yesterday we had a play date with Heidi and Kaylan (which is funny because they go to the same babysitter, so it's not like they never see each other - it was more for Heidi and I, I think!). Here are some pictures!
Zach and KayKay playing together - she's only recently become aware of him, and he just can't figure out how a person can be smaller than him!
Don't worry, he's not about to hit her in this picture. See that purple thing in the middle of the picture? It's a button that makes things light up and play music. He's just showing Kaylan how good he is at hitting the button!!!

KayKay - she wasn't very happy right here, and I thought she was making funny faces.

I think she looks a lot like Heidi here. She just figured out how to roll, and we were trying to get her to do it, but she's a little on the stubborn side and refused to indulge us!

Zach hitting that button again!

The kids checking each other out - they were having a good conversation here too!

Zach playing with one of his blocks - his new favorite passtime, in addition to trying to crawl!


Missy!! said...

He is so adorable!! He is going to be a heart breaker when he gets older! :)

izmir ilaƧlama said...

sharing your good health in your hand labor.

izmir ilaƧlama said...

sharing your good health in your hand labor.