Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weddings and Funerals

Last weekend Heidi and I attended Aaron Eberhart's wedding (well, his second one!). He got married to a very nice girl named Stephanie Cochran from Fortville. It was decorated absolutely beautifully; I think her parents must have spent a fortune on the whole affair. It was a nice ceremony where they said their own vows along with the traditional ones, and there was a lot of music and Scripture readings. At the reception we sat with several people from high school that we hadn't seen in some time, which was fun. Heidi and Jeremy McIntire have been dating since she moved back to Shelbyville, and since he was in the wedding, they had a good time together as well.

On to sadder news, I've had two students experience deaths in their familes this week. If that wasn't depressing enough, I learned today that one of the local probation officers that worked with juveniles in the community passed away last night. He and I worked together several times in looking after some of my students and tracking them down whenever they skipped school, and I have always thought very highly of him. The information we received is that he suffered from acid reflux, which at times can cause a person to have coughing fits and even to choke, and while he was home alone he choked which resulted in his death. His wife came home from work and found him, but it was too late. He was only 31 years old. Needless to day, I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend!


Christine said...

Heidi and Jeremy? It's so weird to see people from highschool get together like that. I didn't know Aaron was getting married, I just talked to his mom not too long ago and she didn't mention it.

Rajean B. said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the wedding, and that you were able to see some people from the high school days. I'm secretly really looking forward to (possibly) going to the all-school reunion just to catch up with people like that. Anyway, I'm so sorry to hear about the losses. I will keep them all in my prayers.

Missy!! said...

I never realized Heidi and Jeremy were an item! How fun! (I thought he was living in Germany.... or something to that affect.) Mom and Dad were planning on going to their wedding.. but I don't know if they did or not. Got any pictures? Don't cha'll know you GOTTA POST PICTURES! I'm glad that you all had fun.

Too sad about all the losses.. and it never gets easier... :(

Melissa Lakes said...

I brought my camera to the wedding but when I got there I realized the battery was dead... so no pictures. It was very pretty though! From what I gathered, Aaron and this Stephanie girl have known each other less than a year, so...

Heidi and Jeremy have been dating a couple months. He actually lives only one block away from her. Missy, maybe you're thinking of Ryan Caudill... he's in the service and when he's not actively deployed in Iraq he lives in Germany.

Missy!! said...

Hmm.. maybe that is it. Who knows?! :) But I could have sworn on his MySpace page it said something about Germany. Did he spend a summer there or anything? I could be making this all up too.. you never know with me! :)